TxPn Study Group

The purpose of this page will be to update any interested members or guests on the progress and news of the Texas/Pennsylvanian Study Group (TXPn)

Some of us have decided to initiate a group dedicated to learning more about the fossils from the Finis Shale member of the Graham Formation found at the Lost creek Dam site near Jacksboro Texas.

We now include all Pennsylvanian exposures in Texas.

You can participate in person or online through the DPS website.

Please send an email response to me at  brwill@ntin.net  to get your name added to the list if you want to join us. Please forward this to anyone you know who isn't a member and might be interested. 

Until further notice we have no meetings planned but will meet at the U.T. Arlington Geo Science Building room 202 at 9:00AM on Saturdays when someone has a topic to present. We will send an email to members to notify them of the date. Parking is free on Saturdays at visitor parking spaces and at parking meters on campus.

Bob Williams

There are some things found at these sites that are not thoroughly understood, not fully researched or can be difficult to distinguish from similar specimens.  We already have help promised from some prominent experts so surely we can learn something new or at least identify possible avenues of investigation for someone interested in taking on a project. We will be posting pictures and information about items collected at the site from time to time, and also we will be posting meeting times and topics that will be discussed.  Check back here to see the latest.

The image you see above represents the major deposits from the Pennsylvanian Sub-period in Texas.

They stretch from north of Jacksboro to south of Brownwood and include 4 geological series, top-left to bottom:

Virgilian, Missourian, DesMoinesian and Atokan/Morrowan combined.


Before accessing this area, be sure and register with the Richardson State Park for a daily permit.  You can access them online at https://texasstateparks.reserveamerica.com/unifSearchResults.do

After Parking in the parking area (green arrow), cross the dam, and collect in the ravines and flat area shown (blue arrow).

The ravines and the flats both have fossils in abundance.


Thanks to Bob Williams and Ben Neuman for locating these resources listed below.
  Pictorial Guide to Upper Pennsylvanian Fossils (click to download)

Papers by Dr. Barbara Suess and others 2024  (click to download)

1) Late Pennsylvanian fishes from the Finis Shales of North‑Central Texas

2) On Paleozoic platycerate gastropods

3) Taxonomy and diversity of slit-band gastropods (Order

Pleurotomariida) and some slit bearing Caenogastropoda

from the Pennsylvanian of the USA

4) Virgilian (Late Pennsylvanian) coiled nautiloids from the Finis Shale Member of the Graham Formation in Texas, southern Midcontinent North America

5) Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Graham Formation, Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) at Lost Creek Lake, Texas, USA

Images from Jacksboro (click on images)

<< All album photos 20/24 photos
Euphemites carbonarus

From www.TXfossils.com, courtesy of Rodney Wise

Who we are

The DPS is a group of professional and amateur paleontologists that want to exchange information, interact, and continue their education in paleontology.  We meet once a month on the second Wednesday evening of the month at Brookhaven College, Building H.


If you have a question, if you have a fossil that you cannot identify, or need a site investigation, contact the Fossil Bureau of Investigation for help.

Contact Us at 817-355-4693 

Why join us

We have fun.

We learn stuff.

We go cool places.

We find interesting things.

We make new friends.

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The Dallas Paleontological Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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